Product Benefits
Our resources are greatly inspired by the Pikler approach and Reggio Philosophy, which fits very comfortably within our own New Zealand Early Childhood Curriculum Te Whaariki.
The resources focus on children’s contribution to their own learning and encourage them to share their knowledge with others. It will allow the children to have the ability to plan and direct their own learning, so listen, observe, interact, and learning is at the centre of our programme. The resources such as playmats and augmented reality magic cards encourage play that further develop children’s independence, leadership and self-management skills.
Benefits of Resources to Parents & Learning Institutions
Simple and easy to use
Each learning kit is designed to be connected. Nothing is left to sit in isolation. Learning is reinforced through integrated messaging, themes and imagery in each resource kit.
Encourages play that further develops children’s independence, leadership and self-management skills.
The resources support and develop “young people who will be confident connected actively involved, lifelong learners”.
The resources will empower and develop children holistically, helping them to make cultural links and develop relationships while discovering different ways of seeing the world.
Relevant resources for schools, parents in any setting to reinforce children learning about their cultures. Kids can share this with teachers and parents and our resources will assist parents to share their cultures with teachers/children/families.
Encourages parents to become more involved with their child’s learning. The resources are made available for parents in the home to encourage them to be more engaged and to help them connect learning at the ECE centres and classroom with what goes on at home.
The kits are great resources for teacher-student projects to enhance learning experiences. The resource kits provide lots of project ideas that validate the experiences of children and teachers, a chance event or problem posed.